Thursday, April 10
2:00 - 2:45 PM ET
Finding and retaining talented teachers and leaders has never been more important—or more challenging. But what if the solution was already within your district? Join us for an inspiring webinar where we’ll share how school districts are taking proactive steps to build their own teacher talent, developing homegrown educators who are uniquely invested in their communities. During this session, we’ll explore actionable strategies and innovative programs that empower districts to cultivate future teaching talent as well as future leaders from within their own staff, student body, and communities. Key Takeaways:
Sr. Title Manager, CompanyName
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Sr. Title Manager, CompanyName
Pellentesque non magna eget ex lobortis finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sr. Title Manager, CompanyName
Pellentesque non magna eget ex lobortis finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.